"MORE than 1500 students and over 100 companies have successfully completed our Dutch courses."

Dutch online classes: learn, laugh, level up

Learn Dutch with us because Google Translate won’t always be there ;)

Level 1 – Mondays 17:30 to 19:00 – starting date Monday the 13th of January 2025 – 11 live online lessons

WHEN: Mondays 17:30-19:00
STARTS: Monday, the 13th of January 2025
ENDS: Monday, the 24th of March 2025
BOOKNederlands in Gang chapter 1, 2, 3, 4
ROOM: online on ZOOM

*We need a minimum of 7 students to start the course. If we do not have enough students, we will have to cancel the course. We will refund the paid course within 24 hours. 

Please check below what you are going to learn at this level!


11 in stock


1. You have a mindset that makes you dare to speak Dutch

  • You dare to speak some words of Dutch.
  • You understand it’s an ongoing process.
  • You realize that doing nothing will not make you better anyway.
  • You dare to make imperfect sentences.

2. You can introduce yourself to others.

  • You can introduce yourself.
  • You can tell where you are from and what languages you already speak.
  • You can talk about your hobbies and your favorite sports.
  • You can spell your name and say the alphabet out loud.
  • You can tell what you do for work.

3. You can ask simple questions and answer them.

  • You can ask open and closed questions.
  • You can give simple answers.

4. You can introduce your family.

  • You know all the words about family.
  • You can question people about his/her family.
  • You understand when to say ‘jij’ or ‘u’.

5. You understand the calendar.

  • You can describe the days of the week.
  • You can describe the months, years, and seasons.
  • You can count and say 888 out loud quickly.
  • You can read the clock.
  • You can fill in a form.

6. You can order a beer at the bar.

  • You can greet and say goodbye.
  • You can order a beer or wine.
  • You can ask for the bill.
  • You can tip the friendly waiter.
  • You can speak simple Dutch in the bar.

7. You can ask people to talk slowly to you.

  • You can ask people to speak slowly.
  • You can ask people to keep talking in Dutch.
  • You can tell them you don’t understand, so they can switch to English.

8. You can make appointments in Dutch and respond to them.

  • You can ask if someone wants to meet with you and respond to that.
  • You can make different kinds of proposals to meet up.
    • Are you coming to…, Do you want to…, Would you like to…, Do you feel like…
  • You can write an email and answer a WhatsApp message.
  • You can understand when the stores are open or closed or any other location.

9. You can order in a restaurant.

  • You can order food online. 
  • You can order food in a restaurant.
  • You can tell if you like it.
  • You can tip.
  • You can make a reservation at a restaurant.


10. You can go to the market and chat with the cheese or vegetable seller.

  • You can name your ten favorite fruits and vegetables
  • You can have a chat with the greengrocer
  • You can have a small talk with the cheese vendor
  • You can buy several products
  • You can describe the products.


11. You can understand what is being said at the supermarket’s checkout.

  • You can ask where you can find the product that you are looking for.
  • You can have a chat with the cashier.
  • You can compare products with each other.
  • You can point to products.
  • You can write and talk about a dish.


12. You can shop online and IRL.

  • You can tell all the colors of the rainbow apart. 
  • You can describe your favorite clothes. 
  • You understand how to make online orders.
  • You can buy clothes in the store.


13. You learn how to answer simple questions, which is essential for the speaking exam.


14. Grammar to be covered: 

  • personal pronouns
  • conjugate verbs
  • inversion (questions and emphasis)
  • possessive pronoun
  • modal verbs
  • plural,
  • comparative + superlative,
  • adjective,
  • demonstrative pronoun,
  • object form of the personal pronoun.

11 in stock

Hit the button and let’s get your Dutch skills rolling!